1- Vacancy for an equine reproduction clinician (the job will start the 1 September 2025; Applications are accepted until 5th March 2025; recruitment interview between 22 and 25 April 2025)
Nantes Veterinary College - Nantes, France - will open a position for a Clinician in the animal reproduction division of the veterinary university hospital center CHUV d’Oniris at the beginning of September 2025
Profile sought: veterinary doctor with some experience in equine reproduction (spoken and written French essential)
One-year fixed-term contract renewable from September 1, 2025 remuneration equivalent to that of the rank of research engineer (modulation based on experience and additional training)
Supervision of students and interns during clinical equine reproduction activities (scenario on the 24 mares and the stallion of the educational herd, clinical cases (mares, broodmares, stallions) of reproduction and obstetrics coming for consultation or emergency at the CHUV, mares followed in the approved artificial reproduction center and broodmares hospitalized at the CHUV under foaling surveillance.
Application deadline: March 5, 2025
Application files must be sent by email to the CHUV secretariat (recrutement.chuv@oniris and must mention the position(s) targeted and include a curriculum vitae, a cover letter and a letter of recommendation. An acknowledgment of receipt is systematically sent.
Information: Professor Jean-François Bruyas ( Oniris - Site de la Chantrerie - CS 40706 - 44 307 Nantes Cedex 03 - France
The precise interview slots (in the end of April) with the recruitment jury will be specified to candidates by email.
2- Vacancy for an Associate Professor in Large Animal (Equine or Bovine) Reproduction (the job will start the 1 September 2025, selections of candidates 11 and 12 June 2025, application files to be submitted before the end of March (official closing date not yet published).